Republicans: continued

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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:41 pm

Breaking: Trump and Vance weird. Or bizarre. But the label is stuck now: WEIRDOS ... JHdy-qOkMg
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Sean Hayden » Sat Aug 03, 2024 11:03 pm

Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:49 pm

Boebert likely to win in new MAGA district. I hope we get the house, then we don't need to hear so much from her.
If the results from Tuesday’s primary and special election in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District are any indication, Democrats’ best chance to oust Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert has gone up in smoke.

Boebert’s large margin of victory over her five primary challengers and Democrat Trisha Calvarese’s walloping in the special election suggest that the congresswoman will cruise to a win in November.

Yes, Boebert nearly lost her 2022 reelection bid on the other side of Colorado in the 3rd Congressional District. But the 4th District, Boebert moved to shore up her political future, is far more favorable to Republicans — and the election results this week only reinforce that fact. ... -colorado/
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:43 pm

House committee failed to impeach Joe Biden. Or Hunter Biden. Now they are after Tim Walz. Who is not a federal employee. ... kvsSqkg4GA
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:19 am

These funny hillbillies! I love these people (Trump Jr reads book). Let's get this guy! He has working class roots, whatever they are. I don't know them myself. But he's a legend!
Donald Trump Jr., who pushed his father to choose Vance as his running mate, was an admitted big fan of ”Hillbilly Elegy” back in 2016. Sure, but the people who really elevated the book and Vance at its peak were not Republicans. It was The New York Times that called the book “a compassionate, discerning sociological analysis of the white underclass.” Other elite media institutions such as The New Yorker, were no less favorable to Vance. On television, President Joe Biden’s favorite morning news show, MSNBC’s ”Morning Joe,” helped elevate Vance, too.

Then there are fancy folks like Larry Summers, former treasury secretary under Bill Clinton and president of Harvard, who tweeted: “Anyone wanting to understand Trump’s rise or American inequality should read it.”

The fanfare led to Vance becoming a mainstay on TV and turning himself into a celebrity pundit during the 2016 presidential campaign. It’s no coincidence that the week of Trump’s 2017 inauguration, ”Hillbilly Elegy”sat atopthe New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. Some years later came the Netflix adaptation, a movie that intended to be Oscar bait but ended up widely panned as critics like the A.V. Club’s Katie Rife dismissed it as “bootstrapping poverty porn” that “reinforces the stereotypes it insists it’s illuminating.”

Sounds like Hollywood to me, but to be fair to some of the book’s critics, they made similar complaints about the source material only to be drowned out by the cheers of much of the mainstream press. The New Republic’s Sarah Jones referred to Vance as “the False Prophet of Blue America.” Separately, Jared Yates Sexton, an author and political journalist who, like Vance, grew up in the midwest, criticized the book in an interview with Salon.

“JD Vance has spent the past few years sanitizing right-wing appeals and camouflaging white supremacist-pandering,” Sexton said at the time. ... 58520.html’s becoming clear that Donald Trump has slowed down considerably over the last four years. He is very old. He struggles to hold his thoughts together, even by his own standards. And he has considerably less energy than he did even a few years ago. He can’t campaign vigorously. Which means he will have to rely on his running mate—whom everyone seems to hate.

Vance was chosen under the assumption that they were headed toward a landslide victory and therefore it really wouldn’t matter, even by the standards of vice presidential picks. Running against an 81-year-old incumbent who struggled to string two sentences together, Vance was probably a fine pick. Voters and the media weren’t really going to focus on him; Democrats had bigger problems to worry about. Vance would be fine.

Running against Harris and not Biden, however, means that they are engaged in a real campaign. And Vance’s weaknesses are far more glaring than they were previously. He is a liability on several fronts: an inexperienced and off-putting politician with views that are far outside the mainstream. ... 00116.html
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:09 pm

Trump the gift that keeps on giving. Corporations trying to cater to males kill diversity. ... tor-supply
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:07 pm

Abortion-palooza’ at DNC could force pro-life Democrats to ditch party: ‘It's just absolutely disgusting’ ... disgusting
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:30 pm

Comer discovers completely radical multicultural Minnesota ... RP6RDcGa9Q
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:51 pm

Texas removes voters who did not vote twice from voter registers. Also: ... lac-homes/
The nation's oldest Latino civil rights organization, LULAC, is one of several entities in Texas targeted in voter fraud raids led by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, CBS News has learned.

In a letter first obtained by CBS News, LULAC requested that the Justice Department investigate Paxton's office for Voting Rights Act violations. The organization is accusing Paxton's office of carrying out illegal searches premised on voter fraud.

"These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape," LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, said in the letter.

The Justice Department confirmed receipt of the letter and declined to comment further.

Last week, Paxton's office announced in a press release that it was launching undercover operations and an investigation into reports alleging some organizations in Texas are unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote, in violation of state and federal law.
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:13 pm

JD Vance, childless cat ladies, teschers snd JDs crotch goblins. Video from mad lady. ... CfsXGDd6WA
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:47 pm

Jim Jordan demands data from daughter of Trump judge to prove that the trial was rigged. The CEO is part of the campaign outfit she works for.

Jordan sent a letter to Michael Nellis, the founder and CEO of Authentic Campaigns — a company that's done political work for top Democratic clients like President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — accusing him of failing to comply with House investigators' demands for any and all documents related to the prosecution of former President Trump.

The committee wrote to Loren Merchan, the company's president and Judge Merchan's daughter, earlier this month requesting documents in its probe into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case against Trump.

Jordan pointed out in his Wednesday letter that Nellis himself rejected that request as well as a subsequent one later in the month.
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:27 pm

Of course Jordan himself refused to comply with a congressional subpoena but like his Dear Leader it's law and order for thee, whatever I please for me.

Long since moved on from making up nitwit stories about hipsters in coffee shops, the incorrigible grifter Jacob Wohl and his oleaginous partner in crime Jack Burkman set their sights on scamming corporations using AI as a hook. They remain outstanding in their ham-handed incompetence.

'Convicted fraudsters launch AI lobbying firm using fake names'
A Washington startup pitched as a service to integrate AI into lobbying is covertly run by a pair of well-known, far-right conspiracy theorists and convicted felons who are using pseudonyms in their new business, according to four former employees as well as photo and email evidence.

LobbyMatic was founded last year by Jacob Wohl, who in 2022 was convicted along with his longtime associate Jack Burkman of felony telecom fraud after running a robocall campaign in largely Black neighborhoods in several states telling people not to vote by mail. An Ohio judge ordered them to spend 500 hours registering people to vote, and the Federal Communications Commission fined them $5 million.

In his role as a founder and CEO of the new firm, Wohl uses the name “Jay Klein,” according to the former employees and emails obtained by POLITICO. Burkman uses the pseudonym “Bill Sanders,” the former employees said.

LobbyMatic, whose website does not list any company leadership, temporarily signed up at least three brand-name clients: Toyota, consulting firm Boundary Stone Partners and drug company Lantheus, according to two of the former employees.


Wohl and Burkman’s company asserts on its website that it helps clients “massively increase your efficiency and effectiveness by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence.” Its website states that its technology can monitor and get readouts on Capitol Hill hearings, figure out which lawmakers are important on certain issues and schedule meetings with them or petition them.


“We were intrigued by the advertised potential of LobbyMatic and had a limited number of employees test out the service to track legislation and summarize Congressional hearings,” Jeff Navin, a co-founder of Boundary Stone Partners, said in a statement. “We quickly determined the tool did not work and terminated our contract two months ago."

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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:37 am

Cartoon captures the current GOP. There is almost no way back. Until Trump is really gone. ... OyYJl58Seg
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Brian Peacock » Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:18 pm

It's not the way back for the GOP that concerns me, it's the way forward.
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Re: Republicans: continued

Post by Tero » Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:16 am

Old fashioned Republican.
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
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