All Things Trump: the story continues...

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:33 pm
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
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Brian Peacock
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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Brian Peacock » Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:43 am

Tero wrote:RNC Chair: “There's not a single metric that President Biden can show where America is better off than they were four years ago”

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

— Lower unemployment
— More jobs
— Lower crime levels
— Lower Medicare drug prices
— More infrastructure investments
— Fewer COVID deaths
— More bipartisan legislation
— More small business openings
— Better stock market
— Fewer insurrectionists at the Capitol
— Fewer presidents telling you to inject bleach ... SKhRRlltEw
How much of that balances or cancels out the hard economic times people are experiencing.
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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:48 am

Finally Trump finds use for illegals. The criminals, rapists, lunatics, drug dealers.

Trump floats ‘migrant league of fighters’ in latest dehumanizing rhetoric against migrants. ... index.html
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:49 am

Brian Peacock wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:43 am
Tero wrote:RNC Chair: “There's not a single metric that President Biden can show where America is better off than they were four years ago” ... SKhRRlltEw
How much of that balances or cancels out the hard economic times people are experiencing.
Trump has the solution. The poor people are going to pay twice the price for all consumer goods from China. In tariffs. And no income tax for them. Which they do not pay anyway.
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:53 pm

Trump’s “Make America Great Again” sloganeering tapped into honest nostalgia for a more economically just America. The post-World War II boom created broad prosperity: The wages of the bottom 90 percent of Americans grew in line with the overall economy. But that trajectory flat-lined in the mid-1970s. And the share of the nation’s income accruing to the bottom 90 percent shrank from close-to-half to barely one-third. A new study by the RAND Institute offers insight into how different America could be today had the post-war trend continued: The median worker would be making $57,000 a year, instead of just $36,000. In aggregate, the 90 percent have been $47 trillion richer, taking home an extra $2.5 trillion in 2018 alone. What happened to the bottom’s share of America’s expanding economic pie?
Economist Kathryn Edwards, co-author of the RAND study, explains simply: “The top ate it.”

“There was a readymade coalition of people who had not benefited from the last 40 years of prosperity,” he says. “Trump knows how to work a room. This guy walks in and says, ‘I get it. I’m your voice. It’s China; they’ve taken all your jobs.’” Trump leveraged this “politics of recognition,” says Blyth, to create a powerful bond. For these hardscrabble voters, Trump was someone who not only saw their struggle, but mirrored their resentment. And that connection has allowed Trump to “get away with incredible upward wealth redistribution — to him and his class,” says Blyth, “yet still maintain a sense of connection to the people that he’s hurting the most.”

In office, the only truly unconventional thing about Trump’s economic leadership has been the shamelessness of his lies. Marketing his tax cut, Trump swore up and down that “the rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” Speaking of his own finances, he insisted that the bill was “going to cost me a fortune … believe me.” Signing the cut into law in December 2017, Trump hyped it as “one of the great Christmas gifts to middle-income people.”

These weren’t minor distortions. They were bald-faced lies. “Trump is part of a tradition of phony populism, of saying he’s going to help communities that are left behind, and then advancing an agenda that does the opposite,” says Chuck Collins, director at the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies and co-editor of
When Republicans are out of power they use America’s debt as a cudgel against Democrats, insisting the country can’t afford programs that boost the living standards of workers or even true investments like infrastructure spending. But the GOP voiced little concern about the ability to afford this tax cut. McConnell papered over the contradiction by telling a whopper: that the tax cut would spark so much growth that government coffers would hold steady or even rise. ... y-1080345/
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
All this winning meant to lose
Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Sean Hayden » Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:16 am

Brian Peacock wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:43 am
Tero wrote:RNC Chair: “There's not a single metric that President Biden can show where America is better off than they were four years ago”

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

— Lower unemployment
— More jobs
— Lower crime levels
— Lower Medicare drug prices
— More infrastructure investments
— Fewer COVID deaths
— More bipartisan legislation
— More small business openings
— Better stock market
— Fewer insurrectionists at the Capitol
— Fewer presidents telling you to inject bleach ... SKhRRlltEw
How much of that balances or cancels out the hard economic times people are experiencing.
How much of Trump’s support is from tough economic times? If your dumbass can make it to a rally, you can make it to work. If there’s no jobs, move dumbass; ain’t even got the sense god gave a goose!
Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Brian Peacock » Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:15 am

Sean Hayden wrote:
Brian Peacock wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:43 am
Tero wrote:RNC Chair: “There's not a single metric that President Biden can show where America is better off than they were four years ago”

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

— Lower unemployment
— More jobs
— Lower crime levels
— Lower Medicare drug prices
— More infrastructure investments
— Fewer COVID deaths
— More bipartisan legislation
— More small business openings
— Better stock market
— Fewer insurrectionists at the Capitol
— Fewer presidents telling you to inject bleach ... SKhRRlltEw
How much of that balances or cancels out the hard economic times people are experiencing.
How much of Trump’s support is from tough economic times? If your dumbass can make it to a rally, you can make it to work. If there’s no jobs, move dumbass; ain’t even got the sense god gave a goose!

People follow Trump because something he represents appeals to them - and he represents a lot of different things. Ignoring the ethno-nationalism and the Christian fash messaging for a mo, a big part of what he represents is a kind of conflict between the little guy and the establishment; a conflict between family finance and corporate or elite finance; between the regular experience of living in the everyday economy and the economy of supranational 'big' business. His rhetoric about bringing the jobs back, draining the swamp, tariff wars, and the idea that the state is working for 'them' and not for 'us' all chimes with a lot of people's personal experience. Telling them that the stock market is up, unemployment is down, or there's more business openings and more money for roads and bridges under Biden just sounds like the same old hollow political speak that doesn't really translate to anything meaningful in ordinary people's everyday lives. Not everyone Trump appeals to is a white supremacist evangelical gun nut, and the challenge for progressive-leaning politics is to address these people's legitimate frustrations, fears and insecurities in a context where 'sensible', continuity policies just looks like reproducing the conditions that have made people frustrated, fearful and insecure in the first place.

Basically the Dems need to take back the issues Trump has stolen from them and stop presenting themselves as the technocratically competent friendly face of neoliberal capitalism.
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Clinton Huxley » 21 Jun 2012 » 14:10:36 GMT

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Sean Hayden » Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:04 am

But Brian, they all say what Trump says, besides what you set aside at the beginning. So it probably is the ethno-nationalism and Christian extremism that is driving support for Trump.

I grew up around this shit man, and I’m telling you at the end of the day, it’s the promise of finally setting you liberal faggot perverts and thugs straight that’s behind Trump with ordinary voters. Why wouldn’t it be? That has been the Republican messaging since at least I was a kid. Since I lost my mother - :smirk: - to Limbaugh and his wholesome Snapple iced tea ads and all American bake sales in the 90s (Seriously, has anything sold as well as right-wing talk since the late 80s). They’ve been telling us for decades about the corruption of our country at the hands of libruls.

You haven’t lost your job because some rich guy sold you out. You lost it because some godless librul pervert doesn’t share your values.
Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Brian Peacock » Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:12 am

Sean Hayden wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:04 am
But Brian, they all say what Trump says, besides what you set aside at the beginning. So it probably is the ethno-nationalism and Christian extremism that is driving support for Trump.

I grew up around this shit man, and I’m telling you at the end of the day, it’s the promise of finally setting you liberal faggot perverts and thugs straight that’s behind Trump with ordinary voters. Why wouldn’t it be? That has been the Republican messaging since at least I was a kid. Since I lost my mother - :smirk: - to Limbaugh and his wholesome Snapple iced tea ads and all American bake sales in the 90s (Seriously, has anything sold as well as right-wing talk since the late 80s). They’ve been telling us for decades about the corruption of our country at the hands of libruls.

You haven’t lost your job because some rich guy sold you out. You lost it because some godless librul pervert doesn’t share your values.
And they've been winning all that time too, and it's always going to be 'those guys' fault that things are just getting worse and worse, until people realise that voting for the lesser of two evils--choosing between the scowling or the smiling face of free markets in order to define the limits of the good society--is still basically voting for the same old evil. And where the Republicans might appear actively repellent the Democrats are merely blandly uninspiring, and they're not really offering an alternative political vision - they're just promising to manage the chaos a bit better. "At least we're not Trump" isn't a clear policy platform, it's a tacit admission of failure, of futility; an admission that the agenda of the right is the only game in town. Someone has to give the American voter an alternative to pushing things evermore to the right - and the Democrats are the one's best placed to do that: the only US political organisation capable of even attempting it. And yet they're not doing that, are they - they're just promising to slow the journey down a bit.

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:57 am

Trump wins debate. It all looked good until Biden had his one senior moment.
Trump has won - why do we even need do the debate? Everyone knows Trump wins, most of the press on the right filed their stories of his immense success, his huge success, his historic success from the airport as they jetted off on their holidays.
(from other site)
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
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Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Sean Hayden » Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:10 pm

Brian Peacock wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:12 am
Sean Hayden wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:04 am
But Brian, they all say what Trump says, besides what you set aside at the beginning. So it probably is the ethno-nationalism and Christian extremism that is driving support for Trump.

I grew up around this shit man, and I’m telling you at the end of the day, it’s the promise of finally setting you liberal faggot perverts and thugs straight that’s behind Trump with ordinary voters. Why wouldn’t it be? That has been the Republican messaging since at least I was a kid. Since I lost my mother - :smirk: - to Limbaugh and his wholesome Snapple iced tea ads and all American bake sales in the 90s (Seriously, has anything sold as well as right-wing talk since the late 80s). They’ve been telling us for decades about the corruption of our country at the hands of libruls.

You haven’t lost your job because some rich guy sold you out. You lost it because some godless librul pervert doesn’t share your values.
And they've been winning all that time too, and it's always going to be 'those guys' fault that things are just getting worse and worse, until people realise that voting for the lesser of two evils--choosing between the scowling or the smiling face of free markets in order to define the limits of the good society--is still basically voting for the same old evil. And where the Republicans might appear actively repellent the Democrats are merely blandly uninspiring, and they're not really offering an alternative political vision - they're just promising to manage the chaos a bit better. "At least we're not Trump" isn't a clear policy platform, it's a tacit admission of failure, of futility; an admission that the agenda of the right is the only game in town. Someone has to give the American voter an alternative to pushing things evermore to the right - and the Democrats are the one's best placed to do that: the only US political organisation capable of even attempting it. And yet they're not doing that, are they - they're just promising to slow the journey down a bit.

It’s the time of ranting. The race is close and anxiety is high.
Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:05 pm

Trump all jacked up.

After months lampooning President Joe Biden as a cognitively impaired “brain-dead zombie” who can’t finish a sentence or navigate off a stage, former President Donald Trump and his campaign are changing their tune days ahead of the critical debate of the election.

The commander in chief has suddenly morphed into a “worthy debater,” someone of considerable ability and a veteran political performer who is not to be underestimated, according to Trump and his lieutenants.
Trump is also hedging against a stronger-than-expected Biden showing by suggesting his opponent will be “jacked up” on drugs to ensure a strong performance.
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
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Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:15 pm

2020 debate:
"Both men occasionally leave their thoughts unfinished; however, Biden more often gives the impression of getting tangled up en route to a destination, whereas Trump tends to lack a destination to begin with."
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
All this winning meant to lose
Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Thu Jun 27, 2024 3:34 pm
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
All this winning meant to lose
Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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Re: All Things Trump: the story continues...

Post by Tero » Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:26 am

Alpha male got on stage and moderators let him wander off to millions comimg over the border (direct from jails and loony bins) about 100 times. Biden gets no points at all in most summaries. Lacked "vigor."
Biden got a bit stronger as the debate went on, especially on foreign policy. He had some one-liners, like calling Trump a “whiner” when Trump wouldn’t definitively say that he would accept the results of the 2024 election. But Biden often wasn’t able to show vigor or consistently convey what he wanted to say. He simply couldn’t deliver the kinds of happy-warrior blows with that toothy smile audiences have seen from Biden in years past. ... rump-biden

If you want to look at technical stuff, Biden explained fentanyl inspections clearly with no stumbles and Trump failed to come back with millions of dirt poor coming over with fentanyl in their pockets or "cartels."
Atomic man, embossed on hues of
Money greens that swell and ooze, will
Scratch his chin as if to muse that
All this winning meant to lose
Though he slaved and hate his dues
Here he was, no time to choose...Grass for Blades by Wigwam

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