Hi, I'm Mick

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by NineOneFour » Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:11 pm

rEvolutionist wrote:
Seth wrote:
Xamonas Chegwé wrote:
There are NO "approved" insults here, neither are there "banned" insults. If the staff as a whole consider that your post was a deliberate, personal attack on another member, action will be taken.
You lie like a rug.

I would suggest using "go fuck yourself" a little less often.
I would suggest you do your fucking job and keep other people from forcing me to do so.
The staff are pretty much evenly split on whether it constitutes a PA on its own. I have never thought that it does and always argued against taking action but if it becomes the standard response to EVERY post that you disagree with, I could change my mind.
It's not and you know it perfectly well. It's an appropriate response to personal attacks on me and I'll continue to use it when it's appropriate to do so.
Just try making your point without the insults and pointless polemics. I kind of like having you around and would hate to see you serving one 6-month suspension after another.
Well, I'll tell you what, sparky, if it makes you feel better I can use "fuck off" or the smiley to the same effect. But if you would spend half as much time smacking everyone else who provokes those insults by insulting me first you'd have an easier job to do.

I would think by now you'd have noticed a pattern here. FYI, when somebody else makes it personal, I make it personal right back at them and will continue to do so, particularly when you mods studiously ignore those personal insults just as you always have, here, at RatSkep and at RDF before that.

I can't even recall how many years I've been saying the exact same thing to the exact same people with the exact same result.

So fuck off!

As for "pointless polemics", once again, fuck off. My posts are never pointless and are very often much better thought out and articulated than yours or most other people's posts because I take the time to make them that way. You think they are pointless because of your own inherent bias and bigotry and because you know full well that I make a lot of sensible, rational and logical arguments that you absolutely hate but haven't the gumption to rebut in a reasonable adult manner, which is true of many other members here, particularly rEv.

So fuck off again!
Way to go, Seth. Why not just calm down instead of getting yourself banned from yet another forum?

Oh, and you forgot to call him a Marxist! :hehe:

Maybe Seth and Gallstones can go start their own forum: Rural Anti-Socialist Troll Rednecks Who Hate Everybody.

I'd join just to troll them.

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About me: Married, ethnically German, hardcore Social Democrat, ex-Dittohead, ex-Libertarian, went to Catholic school, father was a religious cultist who thought he had the gift of prophecy and could communicate with the "other side".
So, had a weird life. Better now.
Location: Surrounded by fundies and mutants in Texas

Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by NineOneFour » Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:12 pm

rEvolutionist wrote:I'm starting to see why he wasn't considered an honest contributor at ratskep.

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by piscator » Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:40 pm

Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:

The way you tolerate blasphemy to your economic religion is duly noted. Why don't you become a ShutTheFuckUpist™ instead of martyring yourself here the way you do? You can ordain yourself! :{D

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by piscator » Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:53 pm

NineOneFour wrote:
rEvolutionist wrote:
Seth wrote:
Xamonas Chegwé wrote:
There are NO "approved" insults here, neither are there "banned" insults. If the staff as a whole consider that your post was a deliberate, personal attack on another member, action will be taken.
You lie like a rug.

I would suggest using "go fuck yourself" a little less often.
I would suggest you do your fucking job and keep other people from forcing me to do so.
The staff are pretty much evenly split on whether it constitutes a PA on its own. I have never thought that it does and always argued against taking action but if it becomes the standard response to EVERY post that you disagree with, I could change my mind.
It's not and you know it perfectly well. It's an appropriate response to personal attacks on me and I'll continue to use it when it's appropriate to do so.
Just try making your point without the insults and pointless polemics. I kind of like having you around and would hate to see you serving one 6-month suspension after another.
Well, I'll tell you what, sparky, if it makes you feel better I can use "fuck off" or the smiley to the same effect. But if you would spend half as much time smacking everyone else who provokes those insults by insulting me first you'd have an easier job to do.

I would think by now you'd have noticed a pattern here. FYI, when somebody else makes it personal, I make it personal right back at them and will continue to do so, particularly when you mods studiously ignore those personal insults just as you always have, here, at RatSkep and at RDF before that.

I can't even recall how many years I've been saying the exact same thing to the exact same people with the exact same result.

So fuck off!

As for "pointless polemics", once again, fuck off. My posts are never pointless and are very often much better thought out and articulated than yours or most other people's posts because I take the time to make them that way. You think they are pointless because of your own inherent bias and bigotry and because you know full well that I make a lot of sensible, rational and logical arguments that you absolutely hate but haven't the gumption to rebut in a reasonable adult manner, which is true of many other members here, particularly rEv.

So fuck off again!
Way to go, Seth. Why not just calm down instead of getting yourself banned from yet another forum?

Oh, and you forgot to call him a Marxist! :hehe:

Maybe Seth and Gallstones can go start their own forum: Rural Anti-Socialist Troll Rednecks Who Hate Everybody.

I'd join just to troll them.

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Animavore » Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:34 pm

Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:
Says the guy sitting on the net disagreeing with people over belief :|

You couldn't make it up.
Disagreeing with someone during a philosophical discussion on a forum intended for that purpose is absolutely a peaceable action and a display of tolerance of diverse opinion.
Except you do more than just disagree. You call people names. Insult their intelligence. Tell people to 'fuck off'. Tell people what they believe (yet hypocritically get irked when you catch atheists making dubious claims about what Christians believe). Capitalise 'atheist' to provoke and inflame (do you also capitalise 'theist'?).

Nah. I've no intention of joining your 'Tolerist' movement (I'm not sure one person constitutes a 'movement') if it means beating people over the head with my tolerance. The best way to remove various labels which may cause disagreement is to just remove all labels. Not create one which claims to do all of that.
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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Seth » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:59 pm

Animavore wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:
Says the guy sitting on the net disagreeing with people over belief :|

You couldn't make it up.
Disagreeing with someone during a philosophical discussion on a forum intended for that purpose is absolutely a peaceable action and a display of tolerance of diverse opinion.
Except you do more than just disagree. You call people names. Insult their intelligence. Tell people to 'fuck off'. Tell people what they believe (yet hypocritically get irked when you catch atheists making dubious claims about what Christians believe). Capitalise 'atheist' to provoke and inflame (do you also capitalise 'theist'?).
Only when they do it first, thus provoking my vigorous self defense.

I capitalize Atheist because it's a religion and deserves it's own proper noun just like any other religion. I don't capitalize theist because that's a general description, but I do capitalize Christian, Catholic, Muslim and all other proper nouns.

You just refuse to believe that Atheism is or can be a religion. But you are wrong, as I have demonstrated many times.

In any event, calling someone names or provoking them in a discussion forum is a peaceable act because no force has been initiated. Words, written or spoken, are NEVER, and I mean NEVER classified as an initiation of force. It is the duty of every person to respect the right of free speech of every other person and to control THEIR OWN tempers and actions in the face of provocation that makes them angry. If you don't like being provoked or inflamed here, then you should not be here. If you can't control your temper and you allow it to provoke you to violence, that's YOUR problem and you have no right or expectation that others must refrain from saying things you find offensive or distressing. If you don't like it, then don't listen or read such things.

Nah. I've no intention of joining your 'Tolerist' movement (I'm not sure one person constitutes a 'movement') if it means beating people over the head with my tolerance. The best way to remove various labels which may cause disagreement is to just remove all labels. Not create one which claims to do all of that.[/quote]
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Seth » Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:01 am

piscator wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:

The way you tolerate blasphemy to your economic religion is duly noted. Why don't you become a ShutTheFuckUpist™ instead of martyring yourself here the way you do? You can ordain yourself! :{D
Because it's so much fun to watch the steam come out of your ears and your face go all red and purple with indignation and frustration at not being able to make a cogent argument.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by FBM » Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:23 am

Atheism is a religion like not golfing is a sport.
"A philosopher is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. A theologian is the man who finds it." ~ H. L. Mencken

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Xamonas Chegwé » Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:34 am

Seth wrote:
piscator wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:

The way you tolerate blasphemy to your economic religion is duly noted. Why don't you become a ShutTheFuckUpist™ instead of martyring yourself here the way you do? You can ordain yourself! :{D
Because it's so much fun to watch the steam come out of your ears and your face go all red and purple with indignation and frustration at not being able to make a cogent argument.
Oddly, the one that seems to lose his temper and self-control the most here is you, Seth. Hence your plentiful holiday time.
A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return.
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Yes, yes. But first I need to show you this venomous fish!
I think we should do whatever Pawiz wants.
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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Seth » Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:31 am

Xamonas Chegwé wrote:
Seth wrote:
piscator wrote:
Seth wrote:
Animavore wrote:The only thing I'm wondering now is, "Where do I go from here?"

I've been a theist. I've been a deist. I've been a woo-ist. I've been a vague, wispy, trancendentalist. I've been an atheist...

I think I'm going to take up golf or find something else new and interesting.
Why don't you become a Tolerist™? It has the advantage of removing all the various labels that might cause disagreement with those of varying beliefs.

I know a guy who can ordain you.... :biggrin:

The way you tolerate blasphemy to your economic religion is duly noted. Why don't you become a ShutTheFuckUpist™ instead of martyring yourself here the way you do? You can ordain yourself! :{D
Because it's so much fun to watch the steam come out of your ears and your face go all red and purple with indignation and frustration at not being able to make a cogent argument.
Oddly, the one that seems to lose his temper and self-control the most here is you, Seth. Hence your plentiful holiday time.
But I never lose my temper, I merely appear to do so because I use the fully appropriate and blatantly insulting response to the personal insults hurled at me. I see no reason to waste time by bothering to be erudite with a fuckwit who deserves nothing more than a "fuck off".

But I'm never angry or upset, I'm just titting the tat.
"Seth is Grandmaster Zen Troll who trains his victims to troll themselves every time they think of him" Robert_S

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"Those who support denying anyone the right to keep and bear arms for personal defense are fully complicit in every crime that might have been prevented had the victim been effectively armed." Seth

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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Xamonas Chegwé » Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:38 am

Seth wrote:But I'm never angry or upset, I'm just titting the tat.
Ah. I see. You might be interested to know that you ALWAYS appear both angry and upset. If you have good reason for disguising your true emotional state like this and find it to be beneficial to come across as a raving, feather-spitting rabies-victim, so be it. Otherwise, you might consider changing your posting style. Unless "tolerism" TM requires acting like Hitler on speed for its full effect. :tea:
A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return.
Salman Rushdie
You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.
House MD
Who needs a meaning anyway, I'd settle anyday for a very fine view.
Sandy Denny
This is the wrong forum for bluffing :nono:
Yes, yes. But first I need to show you this venomous fish!
I think we should do whatever Pawiz wants.
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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Lion IRC » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:32 am

FBM wrote:Atheism is a religion like not golfing is a sport.
And Harris, Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Onfrey, Boghossian write books about 'not golfing'.

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Xamonas Chegwé
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Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by Xamonas Chegwé » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:38 am

Lion IRC wrote:
FBM wrote:Atheism is a religion like not golfing is a sport.
And Harris, Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Onfrey, Boghossian write books about 'not golfing'.
Just like Pratchett, Rowling, Tolkein and Peake write/wrote books about 'not real life'. Your point? It is possible to write a book on any subject, real or otherwise. The writing of the book conveys no reality (or any other context) to the subject being written about. :dunno:
A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return.
Salman Rushdie
You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.
House MD
Who needs a meaning anyway, I'd settle anyday for a very fine view.
Sandy Denny
This is the wrong forum for bluffing :nono:
Yes, yes. But first I need to show you this venomous fish!
I think we should do whatever Pawiz wants.
Bella squats momentarily then waddles on still peeing, like a horse

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About me: Married, ethnically German, hardcore Social Democrat, ex-Dittohead, ex-Libertarian, went to Catholic school, father was a religious cultist who thought he had the gift of prophecy and could communicate with the "other side".
So, had a weird life. Better now.
Location: Surrounded by fundies and mutants in Texas

Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by NineOneFour » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:40 am

piscator wrote:
NineOneFour wrote:
rEvolutionist wrote:
Seth wrote:
Xamonas Chegwé wrote:
There are NO "approved" insults here, neither are there "banned" insults. If the staff as a whole consider that your post was a deliberate, personal attack on another member, action will be taken.
You lie like a rug.

I would suggest using "go fuck yourself" a little less often.
I would suggest you do your fucking job and keep other people from forcing me to do so.
The staff are pretty much evenly split on whether it constitutes a PA on its own. I have never thought that it does and always argued against taking action but if it becomes the standard response to EVERY post that you disagree with, I could change my mind.
It's not and you know it perfectly well. It's an appropriate response to personal attacks on me and I'll continue to use it when it's appropriate to do so.
Just try making your point without the insults and pointless polemics. I kind of like having you around and would hate to see you serving one 6-month suspension after another.
Well, I'll tell you what, sparky, if it makes you feel better I can use "fuck off" or the smiley to the same effect. But if you would spend half as much time smacking everyone else who provokes those insults by insulting me first you'd have an easier job to do.

I would think by now you'd have noticed a pattern here. FYI, when somebody else makes it personal, I make it personal right back at them and will continue to do so, particularly when you mods studiously ignore those personal insults just as you always have, here, at RatSkep and at RDF before that.

I can't even recall how many years I've been saying the exact same thing to the exact same people with the exact same result.

So fuck off!

As for "pointless polemics", once again, fuck off. My posts are never pointless and are very often much better thought out and articulated than yours or most other people's posts because I take the time to make them that way. You think they are pointless because of your own inherent bias and bigotry and because you know full well that I make a lot of sensible, rational and logical arguments that you absolutely hate but haven't the gumption to rebut in a reasonable adult manner, which is true of many other members here, particularly rEv.

So fuck off again!
Way to go, Seth. Why not just calm down instead of getting yourself banned from yet another forum?

Oh, and you forgot to call him a Marxist! :hehe:

Maybe Seth and Gallstones can go start their own forum: Rural Anti-Socialist Troll Rednecks Who Hate Everybody.

I'd join just to troll them.


Posts: 328
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:27 am
About me: Married, ethnically German, hardcore Social Democrat, ex-Dittohead, ex-Libertarian, went to Catholic school, father was a religious cultist who thought he had the gift of prophecy and could communicate with the "other side".
So, had a weird life. Better now.
Location: Surrounded by fundies and mutants in Texas

Re: Hi, I'm Mick

Post by NineOneFour » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:42 am

Since some people are too inept to figure this out themselves.


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