What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by macdoc » Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:17 pm

wow - Hugo and Nebula and a fast read.....fucking hell just buy it

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Xamonas Chegwé » Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:25 pm

Sean Hayden wrote:Republic

Xamonas Chegwé, I heard intelligibility is the enemy of philosophy...and I'm starting to suspect that a lot of philosophers agree.
Of course they do! Most of those philosophers would be out of a job otherwise. :hehe:
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by En_Route » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:49 pm

Margaret Thatcher by Charles Moore.Hate her or loathe her, this is the ultimate fix for political junkies.
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by SteveB » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:56 pm

Still reading Storm of Swords...that Game of Thrones book. It's kinda long and plodding. He's a great writer but he lacks direction. I feel like a teacher in a parent-teacher conference.
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Cormac » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:55 pm

AC/DC Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be!

By Mick Wall.

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Svartalf » Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:27 pm

Started the Amber cycle by Roger Zelazny... I have nearly finished the first half (that I had read 20 years ago but largely forgotten), and will soon start on the Merlin Cycle.
In parallel I've started on the "Ninja" books by Eric Lustbader, a bunch of thrillers that are not bad and help avoid an Amber overdose.
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Pappa » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:18 pm

Unweaving the Rainbow, and a little dissatisfied with certain parts of it.
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Svartalf » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:31 pm

Sharing between Roger Zelazny's Trumps of Doom and Osamu Tezuka's 8 volume comic biography of Buddhah, allegedly his Masterpiece.
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Cormac » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:12 pm

Just finished ACDC, the Biography, by Mick Wall. Poorly written, by a guy who was clearly miffed that ACDC wouldn't talk to him. Still - a fascinating story about an amazing band.

Right now:

Harvard Business Review - On Change
On Tactics - Edward de Bono (not too impressed)
Lateral Thinking - Edward de Bono (a bit better)
Value - McKinsey (The consulting firm - guys who, in my experience, aren't as good as their reputation, funnily enough)
Understanding Organisations - Charles Handy
The Art of Thinking Clearly - R Dobelli
Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman, D
You are not so Smart - McCraney, D
Simple - Conquering the Crisis of Complexity - A Siegel & Etzkorn I
Disclosing New Worlds - Charles Spinoza, Fernando Flores, and Hubert L Dreyfus

(I'm writing a paper on Organisational Change - this is part of my reading list).

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by klr » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:19 pm

Cormac wrote:Just finished ACDC, the Biography, by Mick Wall. Poorly written, by a guy who was clearly miffed that ACDC wouldn't talk to him. Still - a fascinating story about an amazing band.

Right now:

Harvard Business Review - On Change
On Tactics - Edward de Bono (not too impressed)
Lateral Thinking - Edward de Bono (a bit better)
Value - McKinsey (The consulting firm - guys who, in my experience, aren't as good as their reputation, funnily enough)
Understanding Organisations - Charles Handy
The Art of Thinking Clearly - R Dobelli
Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman, D
You are not so Smart - McCraney, D
Simple - Conquering the Crisis of Complexity - A Siegel & Etzkorn I
Disclosing New Worlds - Charles Spinoza, Fernando Flores, and Hubert L Dreyfus

(I'm writing a paper on Organisational Change - this is part of my reading list).
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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by PsychoSerenity » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:41 pm

I'll stick to the fiction I've got from the Library for now, since that's mostly what I'm getting through.

Just finished - The King Beyond the Gate by David Gemmell - A heroic fantasy sword and sorcery type thing with a big war to overthrow a mad emperor. Enjoyed it but the ending was slightly too straight forward.

A little way into - Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A.S. Byatt - a beautiful and whimsically written story about a young girl evacuated to the countryside during the war who is given a book on Norse mythology. It weaves the girl's experiences with her imagination and interpretation of the stories she reads, including how she compares them with the Christian stories.

Just starting - Plague of Mondays by Sally Prue - Some sort of fantasy involving a Truth Sayer who has to save the world from some sort of magical menace possibly involving time continually resetting to Monday morning. Entertainingly written so far.
[Disclaimer - if this is comes across like I think I know what I'm talking about, I want to make it clear that I don't. I'm just trying to get my thoughts down]

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Cormac » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:34 pm

klr wrote:
Cormac wrote:Just finished ACDC, the Biography, by Mick Wall. Poorly written, by a guy who was clearly miffed that ACDC wouldn't talk to him. Still - a fascinating story about an amazing band.

Right now:

Harvard Business Review - On Change
On Tactics - Edward de Bono (not too impressed)
Lateral Thinking - Edward de Bono (a bit better)
Value - McKinsey (The consulting firm - guys who, in my experience, aren't as good as their reputation, funnily enough)
Understanding Organisations - Charles Handy
The Art of Thinking Clearly - R Dobelli
Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman, D
You are not so Smart - McCraney, D
Simple - Conquering the Crisis of Complexity - A Siegel & Etzkorn I
Disclosing New Worlds - Charles Spinoza, Fernando Flores, and Hubert L Dreyfus

(I'm writing a paper on Organisational Change - this is part of my reading list).

'smy job, for better or worse.

If I can stretch it to a book, I might be able to get off the treadmill.


I'm naive - I know. But you need a certain naivete.

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Cormac » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:34 pm

PsychoSerenity wrote:I'll stick to the fiction I've got from the Library for now, since that's mostly what I'm getting through.

Just finished - The King Beyond the Gate by David Gemmell - A heroic fantasy sword and sorcery type thing with a big war to overthrow a mad emperor. Enjoyed it but the ending was slightly too straight forward.

A little way into - Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A.S. Byatt - a beautiful and whimsically written story about a young girl evacuated to the countryside during the war who is given a book on Norse mythology. It weaves the girl's experiences with her imagination and interpretation of the stories she reads, including how she compares them with the Christian stories.

Just starting - Plague of Mondays by Sally Prue - Some sort of fantasy involving a Truth Sayer who has to save the world from some sort of magical menace possibly involving time continually resetting to Monday morning. Entertainingly written so far.
Gemmell - I like him. I especially like that he wrote the same book again and again, and I still liked every one that I read. :)

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by Sean Hayden » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:39 pm

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites

Not really into creating websites but I wanted to look into PHP and had this laying around. I've never seen a book with a worse format, I'm surprised they printed it.
Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: What are you reading now? (Chapter 2)

Post by klr » Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:21 pm

Castles of Steel

http://www.amazon.com/Castles-Steel-Bri ... 0345408780

A long overdue read, since I've had the book for years, and really enjoyed Dreadnought.

By a strange coincidence last weekend, the book was spotted by the someone who happened to be at school with Massie's daughter back in the day. Spooky.
God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place within organized religion. - Superintendent Chalmers

It's not up to us to choose which laws we want to obey. If it were, I'd kill everyone who looked at me cock-eyed! - Rex Banner

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